Centerstage: 2023-2024 

Thank You, Centerstage Sponsors!

FRC 1294 Pack of Parts
FTC SIM, by FIRST Canada

For their assistance throughout the 2023-2024 Centerstage Season.

Table of Contents

Season Rules

Watch the video to understand the FIRST Tech Challenge game, CENTERSTAGE, for the 2023-2024 season. The detailed game manuals can be found here, on FIRST's official website.

Season Robots

Robot v0.5

Our season after kickoff began with where we left off in our PowerPlay offseason, with our new chassis that was 16" x 15" wide, something we decided to stick with due to the necessity to be able to maneuver through the trusses. 

The main defining features of this robot were a double jointed arm with a wrist and an active intake bucket powered by a motor.

Although this robot was never built (due to various issues listed below in the season attachments) and we instead had to go with a pushbot (Robot v1) for our first competition, there was heavy prototyping and CADding done behind the scenes.

Robot v1

Between version 0.5 and version 2 of our robots, we had our first league meet competition (LM1), in which we participated with a pushbot to move pixels into the backstage.

It had a simple cage powered by a motor that allowed it to open and close to capture pixels.

Robot v2

After the complexity of Robot v0.5, we opted for a single jointed arm with a wrist, with the Solver's Claw. To make space for the hanger, the biggest change seen to Robot v2 other than the arm was mounting the electronics/hubs on new side plates.

Seen in the picture is our final robot for the season that was actually competed with, hence the name Robot v2.5, with various minor changes throughout the competitions between our LM2 and Interleagues such as the drone launcher, side plates, and hanger.

Season Attachments

InSco (Intake + Scoring)

This was our first idea for an active intake system.

Concept: It actively stores pixels and releases them through a servo-actuated flap.

However, it was heavy, impractical, bulky, needed a motor, and it had trouble picking up pixels onto the ramp.

Solver's Claw

Solver's Claw v1

Our v2 robot used a vertical double claw, and we have a full page about this open-sourced mechanism, which you can find here

Solver's Claw v2

In the offseason, we decided to move from a vertical double claw to a horizontal double claw for our WCI robot, which you can find here!

Hang Mechanism

The hang was designed for Robot v2.5 and is mounted next to the arm. It's near the center of gravity to ensure that the sides of the chassis don't touch the ground while hanging.


To create the hanger, we cut down a goBILDA linear actuator to fit it under eleven inches. We also attached a hinge on a goBILDA thirteen-hole U-channel with a hook from AndyMark's Climber in a Box , which is all on top of the linear actuator

The hanger arm is countersprung, but kept held down with a locking mechanism. As the linear actuator goes up, the locking mechanism ends, moving the arm up and ready for climbing.

Drone Launcher v1

Our original drone launcher used rubber bands to launch the drone, which were triggered by running goBILDA superspeed servos.

However, the performance of this drone launcher heavily varied on variables like the elasticity of the rubber band and temperature of the room. Plus, the tail of the drone would get destroyed over time by the rubber bands.

Drone Launcher v.15

After our Drone Launcher v1, we created a prototype of our second version, which uses 2 flywheels. This prototype was completely made out of COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) parts.

Drone Launcher v2

After our Drone Launcher v1, we created our final version. We replaced the rubber bands with flywheels.

The small slit in the back securely holds in the paper airplane and avoids deforming the tail of the plane.

The tiny piece of metal attached to the goBILDA superspeed servo pushes the plane up the launcher into the flywheels.


FLL Classes

Spring 2023 - Summer 2023

We started our own LEGO SPIKE Prime robotics classes to spread FIRST’s mission and raise funding for our own team. This included creating our own lesson plans and materials. Several students came back for our advanced classes.

How to Start a FLL Team Seminar


We ran an event about everything parents and kids needed to start a FLL team at our local library. 

Eastlake High School Spooktastic Codefest


We were invited to the Codefest by Eastlake High School’s Computer Science Honor Society. With the goal to inspire kids to start their robotics journey, we :

Central Washington University Stem Fair


We displayed the FLL and FTC mat from the season SUPERPOWERED and gave kids the opportunity to drive our robot while informing their parents of the various programs FIRST offers!