Intro to LEGO Robotics Classes
Couse Description:
This course is designed for 3rd - 6th graders. We will use LEGO® SPIKE Prime kits for building and a scratch-based app for programming. The kids will learn to build, code, and move the robot, pick up/move objects, and create basic attachments for their robot. We will also go over some sensors in the kit, how to use them, a basic version of how the sensors work, and some real-life examples and uses of these sensors.
At the end of class, kids will be ready to join a team to compete in an FLL robotics competition.
Classes Time:
Dates undecided at current time.
$250 for full session
Lesson Plan:
Section 1: What is a robot, Building the Lego SPIKE™️ Robot
Section 2: Moving the robot (driving, turns), What is Pseudocode
Section 3: Ultrasonic Sensor, Moving Objects
Section 4: Color Sensor, Basic Line Follower
Section 5: Introduction to FLL Competition Mat
Section 6: Mission Planning, Coding on the mat
Section 7: Finish Coding, Mock competition